Friday, June 13, 2008

The Joy Of Motherhood

Strange it may sound, but I was one of the few girls who never liked kids before marriage. It's not as though I hated them, I did hold the cute ones and kissed them once in a while but kids otherwise meant more responsibility and less freedom to me.

But as the cliche goes Motherhood changes EVERYTHING. The moment I held my baby in my arms and looked at his precious face, I instantly fell in love with him. All those doubts and uncertainties (Will I be able to handle motherhood?, How would I change diapers, feed, or bathe a newborn?) instantly melted away. I instinctively knew that everything would be ok.

I grew up so much during the first few months of motherhood. I discovered that being a mother really is all that it's cracked up to be -- and much more. I could hardly believe that I was nurturing a brand new human life, that with my love, care, and attention, this tiny being would hopefully grow up to be a wonderful person. It was a lot to take in at the time, but these were definitely joyous thoughts.

The last six months haven't always been easy. I've had my fair share of sleepless nights, baby illnesses, and more recently, toddler tantrums. But through it all, my son remains the true pride and joy of my life.

So for those of you who might be going through your own period of doubt, believe me: I totally understand. Children don't come with owners' manuals to help guide us through parenthood. That is where parents creativity comes in. But in all likelihood things will work out just fine for you, and you'll soon experience the unparalleled joys of motherhood. And hey while being at it, don't forget YOURSELF, the woman in you! Find time for yourself. Make time for one or two things that will enrich your life. Replenish yourself or you'll have less to give to others.

I cannot complete my article without remembering the mother I have. My mother is the perfect role model for me. She has been there for her four children through good times, and trying times. She was there for us through each illness, and to cheer us on in competitions. She gave us enough freedom to find ourselves and become independent, yet set the boundaries to where we still felt safe in the world. Most of all she always had time for us for any and everything.

So I dedicate this article to my Mom, and to all the Moms out there with babies in your arms or in your hearts. May all of us continue to revel and take pride in the joy of motherhood!!!

1 comment:

Manish said...

Wow...very well written.. and captures a lot. Amazing. In the beginning the article looked too long but once you start reading you do finish it. Great effort.