Yesterday I came to know that one of my past friends, say friend X (who is thankfully not my friend anymore!!!) had been chatting with me using the name of some other friend, say friend Y, (with whom I had very little contact) for past 3 months!!!
Isn’t it DISGUSTING???
Actually what happened was, yester
day after my chat with Y, (who was actually X), I happened to call the real person Y (whom I usually don’t call) and I was completely taken aback to know that she was completely unaware about the chat. After telling her the complete story, she told me it could only be X since she is the only person who knows personal details about all three of us.
I was SHOCKED. So was Y. Whole night I kept asking myself how could X do such a thing after all those years we had been friends. But I couldn’t get any answers.
So, through this post I want to ask all the people out there to tell me why some people indulge in such activities and what do they gain out of it. If X is reading it by any chance, then I want to ask her or anyone who can answer on her behalf:-
1. When we aren’t friends anymore, then why the hell did you go around posing yourself as someone else just to dig some secrets out of my nose?
2. What the f*** did you get out of it?
3. Why the hell did you stoop so low and erase even the tiny bit of respect left in my heart for you?
4. What did you get by unnecessary dragging Y’s name in between who is totally innocent and completely unaware of all the chats happening in her name?
I am so angry right now, I can’t even tell you all. I mean this is the height of manipulations. And above all, IT HURTS.
Even I was affected by our broken frienship, but I don’t intrude in her privacy or her every day affairs. Just because I chose to part ways gracefully, does she had to attack me in this way. May be she did manage to extract the things out of me that I would never otherwise share with her, but can it mend the breaks in our friendship ever?

GROW UP DEAR!!! Grow up!! Grow up all those people who still cling to their past like the sand in their hand. Remember sand drifts away even if you close your fist tight. Sometimes you just have to let go of your past and accept it as a way of life. Otherwise you just end up making a fool of yourself and nothing else.
Isn’t it DISGUSTING???
Actually what happened was, yester

I was SHOCKED. So was Y. Whole night I kept asking myself how could X do such a thing after all those years we had been friends. But I couldn’t get any answers.
So, through this post I want to ask all the people out there to tell me why some people indulge in such activities and what do they gain out of it. If X is reading it by any chance, then I want to ask her or anyone who can answer on her behalf:-
1. When we aren’t friends anymore, then why the hell did you go around posing yourself as someone else just to dig some secrets out of my nose?
2. What the f*** did you get out of it?
3. Why the hell did you stoop so low and erase even the tiny bit of respect left in my heart for you?
4. What did you get by unnecessary dragging Y’s name in between who is totally innocent and completely unaware of all the chats happening in her name?
I am so angry right now, I can’t even tell you all. I mean this is the height of manipulations. And above all, IT HURTS.
Even I was affected by our broken frienship, but I don’t intrude in her privacy or her every day affairs. Just because I chose to part ways gracefully, does she had to attack me in this way. May be she did manage to extract the things out of me that I would never otherwise share with her, but can it mend the breaks in our friendship ever?

GROW UP DEAR!!! Grow up!! Grow up all those people who still cling to their past like the sand in their hand. Remember sand drifts away even if you close your fist tight. Sometimes you just have to let go of your past and accept it as a way of life. Otherwise you just end up making a fool of yourself and nothing else.
he he they need to wet their hands...while the sand is still in their palm.. and then all they need to do is give it a jerk...
On a more serious note ...
Why she did it ..? maybe she needed some self assurance for her ego to know if u r bitchin about her or not ... because some ppl give a lot of a** to what others think .. and others can be even a passer by on the road in greenland a place u will never go to again and a place where u r just for a day.. yet !!!
I feel sorry for them ...
Maybe she is not like tht and instead did not have the courage or had ego issues to come and tell u tht shes sorry lets patch up ..
dunno since u havent mentioned what kind of chats u had .. but since u called and for 3 mnths .. i assume it was pleasant ...
In all this i feeel sorry for her .. rather i pity her .. which according to me is a very degrading thing .. but then thts me ..
I am too shocked to say much. All I can say at present is it takes all kind of personss to make this world. I feel such persons are of depraved mind. Please do get over it and be cautious in future.
I am glad you are well and united with your little bundle of joy. Love to the little one.
Take care
hey chill parul, though i m fuming too for a diff reason.
look at it from the other way : good riddance and u dint deserve such two timers and cheats (same post on my blog too).
cool up n forget those soorry souls. move on. u dont deserved their friendships, so rightly u got rid of them.
realy bad on the part of that person...manipulation has taken its grip everywhere i guess....
I hate people who Manipulate suckers they are
oh my everyone is fuming around me..well ull get asses like these every now and again...i guess u just have to shut out morons and move on....
IT happens.. world is full of such people.. good tht u came to know before any harm caused..
Seriously disgusting!!i hav no idea wht do some ppl get by doin such things..i wish i cud figure tht out. Anyways no point in wasting ur energy in thinking abt why it happened....u hav learnt a lesson here and thts it!!thankfully this person is not ur friend anymore.
Perhaps it was an innocent joke! Don't know why but I try to see everything in a positive light
babes a sim thingie happened to me as well recently.....i have no clue what ppl get out of such acts....n how soul allows em to do so....
anyways ignorance is bliss....dont pay any heed to it it will stop affecting u but it will affect the other person.....
You know...the ridiculous things that people do no longer AMAZE me. I have come to terms with the fact that some people are plain crazy and nothing we can do about it. I am so sorry you had to go through that.
It takes all to make this world...
And they add to our experiences, they give us a chance to learn that alls not good in this world...
And the good part is that now you know you the truth..
SO chillax..
well....u wre right....y dont u ask the person who really played this thing.....i mean the x who pretend to be y .....offcourse it wud hurt a lot......no matter y these ppl do such things without considering hw it wud hurt others ....u must be in a fix wen the real person came to knw about this naaa.....really disgusting.......good that u posted may be others will come to know +about this and may be a lesson for all such ppl who clain identity of other ppl...
sum can stoop to any level...ignore them, dey r not worth d attention.
Well after u step out of somethin u sometimes need bad reasons to reassure u that r pullin out decision was right..
Thats wen individuals go around snoopin and leerin to get out facts and details which give them the saddistic pleasure of being right though their very existence question the WRONG in them....
@ descrying the shadows...
may be the reason u have mentioned abt y she did it right but i dont agree that her intention was also right coz i know what kind of female is she...
neways thanks
@ niceguy
yeah even i was shocked...i agree that the world is indeed made up of strange people...
@ buzzz
yeah buzz i have moved on but its difficult to forget keeping in view she has been able to take out those things from me that I would have never told her...
@ rakesh...
even i hate manipulators too...
@ aphrodite...
yeah u r right..
@ abhishek..
well yeah thank god she couldn't harm me.....but she could take out the secrets from me....thats the only thing thats pinching me...
@ ria...
yeah def i have learnt a lesson here n would be more careful in future from now on...
@ red eyes...
no dear it cannot be an innocent joke...an innocent joke wont last for 3 months....huh...
neways take care
@ mia...
even i believe sometimes ignorance is bliss but wen people attack u for no fault of urs u cant be quiet n be ignorant abt it...
@ solitaire...
thnks for ur concern dear..
@ whats in the name...
very well said...
@ solitary writer....
well i dont talk to x any more so i dont need to talk to her to find out any details...lket y do the talking on my behalf....after all it was y's name that was used...
@ comfortably numb...
u r so right..some can stoop to any level...
@ chaggoholic...
so very true...such kind of people indeed reassure u that u did the right thing from separating from them...
take care
hmm...heck three months is too long to even call it a prank :P
for all such cases one can only wonder...like why do dogs run after their own tail :P :P
thats so disguting.....in one way now u know that u shouldnt hav her anywhere near...so good riddance for once and all too..
that's real real irritating and pissing off..
Really shocked how a person would stooop so low:(
P.s: Awaiting your comments on my blog.. Would love to have your opinion
WTF , is X like, mad???? why did she need to do all this idiot-giri????
some people i tell you , they just can't let bygones be bygones !! ask X directly na what the hell she was doing playing with emotions?
i agree with you. Its not very nice.
breaking trust was always a sin n wil always be..dont wry dear life main bahut ache loog bhi hai..just like black clouds ...rain...thunder ...and then sunlight thru the clouds forming a rainbow...
That was cheap-X.
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