Wednesday, August 13, 2008



As we move along the journey called Life, we unknowingly gain innumerous illuminating experiences and realizations that enlighten us emotionally, physically and spiritually.

My next few posts will be dedicated towards few such experiences and realizations that I have gained from my life so far.

But before I mention some of my realizations/experiences I wanna ask All YOU wonderful people out there to share such enriching experiences or realizations with me and everybody else that would give us an insight about your life. I request you all to take few moments to sit back, relax, close your eyes, and think what all you have learnt from this life so far and share it with us.

Lots of Love


Scribblers Inc said...

I seem to have come in at an intresting time..welcome!!:)

Scribblers Inc.

The Listener said...

Realized tht i have both devil and angels living in me and they will not die evn if i die

Mez said...

- It's not easy to let go of love.

- Friends can change overnite.

- Trustin someone is more like a gamble.

- We have very little time in life to actually make someone happy.

- Why can't everyone be just nice human beings?

ok i need to STOP!!

Anonymous said...

there are quite a few things that i learned:

1- always love ur parents and never disobey them, cause quite a times i have suffered due to this

2- love hurts a lot... i have a quite few experiences with it...due to which I have lost my faith in this and had many night full of tears.

3- well another lesson which my life taught me is that the friends are never for ever ... cause I have been ditched many a few times by them ... in my expriences they have always made benefit out of me ... leaving me empty handed.

4- the place of the school teachers who used to teach me at school cannot be replaced by college teachers cause they are never to be relied upon and play the game of favouritism.

these were few of them ...
well parul u gave me a topic of new post ... im sure gonna write about the lessons of my life


Anonymous said...

hey Parul, this is very good initiative. Loved it....

Fehew to start with those come in moi mind :)

1) Nothin in world can replace lost trust and faith.

2) it takes iron wish to heal out of epic crisis of your life.

3) Perseverance is best you can have to tread forward in the life...good attitude is all what matters....

4) nobody shud be judged on face value of what he / she is. there is always a reason for making a person he is. If you have empathy, try to know the situation that led to this rather than labelling anybody a tag....

few more to come :)

and lastly there is nothin called true love, everything is game of convinience....once it ends ppl walk out of life as if there was no relation ever!!

Anonymous said...

Hey... i have a few to share her..!

never break the trust of anyone who loves you and trusts you.

The pain hence given will comeback with multiplied magnitude in this life itself.

- Hearts can change overnight.

- nothing lasts for ever.. specially pain and sufferings.


joie de vivre said...

- fear of being abandoned n left alone

Parul Gupta said...

@ the listener...
very well said...good n bad resides within us only...we may be very bad to someone and very good to someone at the same time...good n bad r very subjective definitions...

Parul Gupta said...

@ mez

well i agree with u on many points...friends change for sure...i have seen people changing colours like far as love n trust r concerned, they r indeed a gamble...u r lucky if u get both...

Parul Gupta said...

@ reasonsoflife

a. i totally agree with u...we must n must respect n parents...its only when we r hurt by outside world we realize their importance n their selfless love...

b. well yes love hurts but thats the beauty of it...but friend it doesn't mean we lose r faith in it...not everyone is same...m sure u ll be lucky next time...

c. as far as friends r concerned, yes people do change but what i have realized is school friends r friends for forever...other friends change...


Parul Gupta said...

@ buzz

thnks for ur comments...i have the following to say to u...

a. trust once lost can never be regained however much we try

b. yes it does take iron will to come out of crisis but that is why god gives us difficulties to make us emerge stronger n wiser...

c. attitude is the main thing...ev erything depends upon that...good attitude can lead u to places...

d. very must understand the whole situation before being judgemental abt people...

thnks buzz for ur perspectives

Parul Gupta said...

@ ankit avasthi...

well i strongly believe in the principal of karma...if u hurt people u will be hurt too n if u ll be good u ll def be rewarded in some way at some point in life....

Parul Gupta said...

@ joiedevivre

well everybody fears abandonment n lonliness but as u progress in life u accept it as a way of life..


Keshi said...

Inspirational post Parul!

** I request you all to take few moments to sit back, relax, close your eyes, and think what all you have learnt from this life so far and share it with us.

I hv learnt many things in my short life so far..but wut struck me the most is the following:

ppl always seem to be looking for something that process they forget abt what they already have. Life is abt working with wut u hv already got, be it family, friends, skills, qualities, assets etc etc.

I hv learnt to make do with wutever I hv and that keeps me content no matter how short I may be of other things that others may have. wut I hv is enough to keep me going.


Rià said...

One thing tht i hav realized in life is tht nothing can replace love! :) I knw its known to many ppl....but lots of them fail to realise it.

The Furobiker said...

lookin forward to read them :)

Parul Gupta said...

@ keshi...

so very true...often people tend to ignore what they have been blessed with n instead keep chasing the things they r not blessed with...its only after they lose what they have they realize its value...

Parul Gupta said...

@ ria

love is the most beautiful emotion of all emotions....yet people hide their emotions, sometimes suppress it n even ignore it instead of valuing it...only when love choose to leave us we realize what is its importance in one's life....